

麻雀和小黑的情感要從小黑還是「Wicked Wench」(這個名字真不好翻,怎麼翻都很奇怪(倒))的時期說起。把小說中的一小部分內容發上來……(噓……



《The Price Of Freedom》〈The Wicked Wench

But ever since that day when he'd seen her,he'd thought of her
No other word fit.

She was lovely,yes,of course But there was more to it than that. She moved with authority, as well as beauty. There was a wildness, a sense of freedom and strength about her that captivated his heart, his soul.
He wanted her for his own. When he'd finally gotten close to her, could touch her, she'd responded to his touch, he fancied, the way she had never responded to another man's.

Love,yes; there was no other word for the way he felt to guide her as she moved, feeling her respond to his orders. Her intoxicating scent—tar and salt and honest sweat. The sounds she made—the wind filling her ivory sails, the creak of her sheets, the slap of the waves against her red-gold bow as she clove the sea. She was beautiful, a work of art with graceful, gilded lilies and scrollwork emblazoned on her bow and stern, and gilded railings on her gunwales. A golden dream of a vessel...and she was all his to command. The Wicked Wench was her name, and Jack Sparrow, at long last, knew what it was to be in love.

The first time he'd seen her, she'd been tied up at the EITC dock in Calabar, looking somewhat forlorn. It was plain she hadn't been taken out for the last few months, since Cutler Beckett had acquired her. She was a ship that needed maintenance. First and foremost, she was crying out for a good careening. And once her bottom was clean, her decks needed scrubbing; her railings and trim needed painting. Her sails needed patch-ing, and many of her lines needed replacement or splicing.

But Jack had seen beyond her down-at-heels appearance, seen the glory and grandeur of a full-rigged ship that could prove both fast and maneuverable.This "Wench" had felt a lot of ocean slide beneath her keel, but she was sound; he could feel it in his bones. She most resembled a Dutch East Indiaman. Typical of merchant vessels, she was woefully under-gunned: only six big guns on both the port and starboard sides of her main deck, then two smaller guns, six-pounders, on her weather deck, and, finally, three small swivel guns topside, one fore and two on her quarterdeck.

The Wench's main deck guns were heavy ones, twelve-pounders. Jack thought about what it would be like to hear the roar of those big twelve-pounders loosed in a broadside against an opponent, and shivered with excited anticipation—before he sternly reminded himself that merchant captains counted themselves blessed if they never had to fire their guns.

Jack longed for more armament for his new love, even though he knew he'd have trouble finding and training enough crew to man even as many guns as she now boasted on her main deck. Arming merchant ships was a tradeoff—guns, powder, and supplies took up apace belowdecks that could be uesd for valuable—and profitable—cargo. Still, remember-ing his former associates at Shipwreck Cove, Jack immediately resolved to speak to Cutler Beckett about allowing him to install two additional twelve-pounders. That still wouldn't be enough weaponry to make any determined pirate think twice, but it was enought to dissuade smaller, more lightly armed and crewed vessels.

The day he first saw her, Jack stood there, spellbound, studying her every curve, every line, grinning like a besotted suitor. He couldn't help the first though that sprang to his mind: If I could just find enough men to crew her properly, what a pirate ship she'd make! If she were properly armed, and crewed, this ship could square off with Esmeralda's Blackwall frigate. Morgan himself never had such a ship.


在《The Price Of Freedom》中的第六章〈The Wicked Wench〉篇中,寫到了麻雀初遇Wicked Wench時的情景。那一章開頭還有一些我沒有打上來,就是說麻雀那時不明白什麼是戀愛的感覺,因為海上生活接觸的幾乎都是男性……但自從他遇見了她……

※ 現實中的船隻一般也都會當成女性來看待。












真是閃死了我的媽呀~還是一見鍾情呢。那一句“grinning like a besotted suitor.”真是可愛死了XDDDD想像麻雀初遇小黑(噢,那時還不是黑色的)結果麻雀站在人家面前著迷般的傻笑XDDDDD麻雀愛小黑真的不是我自己說的。而且,Wench的優秀只有麻雀知道>////<

Wicked Wench時期起,這艘船就以速度著稱,她易於操控,火砲數量不多,就不需要太多船員(在加2裡利奇說不用那麼多人阿,有六個就夠了),這也就意味著不需要裝載非常多的補給品什麼的,有更多的空間去存放別的東西(比如貨物阿,小貝把她買來還算識貨呢),後來不當商船的小黑,船艙裡除了補給品就不再裝其他貨物了,航速自然提升。

※ Blackwall是英國某地名,在那兒建造的船隻就會被冠上Blackwall這個前稱。

※ 在這之前麻雀是一艘EITC屬的名叫Fair Wind(麗風號)的雙桅船的大副。那艘船遭到當時的加勒比海域的海盜王——埃斯梅拉達(Esmeralda)的襲擊,船長班布里奇(Bainbridge)因為喝得爛醉而被埃斯梅拉達所殺,而麻雀設法說服埃斯梅拉達說這艘船只有很少的貨物,要求她(埃斯梅拉達是女海盜,麻雀跟她還有那麼點……咳,加海迷知道的……)放過那艘船。


最後貝克特搬出「殺手鐧」,說他可以讓麻雀當Wicked Wench的船長,他知道麻雀有多喜歡Wench,還提到Wench的造船商表示這艘船要用來運送非奴是花費較高也較費時的,所以貝克特買來Wench是為了運送別的貨物。當下麻雀就非常高興的答應了……



“You've loved this ship since the first moment you saw her. I've never seen you look at a woman the way you look at her.”

“She's a good ship, Robby,”Jack said, running a finger along the rail-ing, as though the wood were soft, yielding flesh.

Robby smiled.“I think you and the Wench were meant to be together, Jack. One of those pairs people say in the same breath. Like...Adam and Eva. King Arthur and Excalibur, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Jack Sparrow and the Wicked Wench.

Jack looked at him in surprise.“What a romantic,Robby! Never knew you had it in you. Before you know it, you'll be writing ruddy poetry.”

Robby shrugged.“Some things are just obvious, Jack. The Wicked Wench is like your pearl of great price.”


“It's from the Bible, Jack. A parable Jesus told his disciples, about a merchant who saw a perfect pearl. the most wonderful, beautiful one in the whole, but very costly. The merchant had to have this thing that was so perfect, so he sold everything he had so he could possess it. It's in the Gospel according to Matthew.” 

Jack took a long look at the ship, from bow to stern, then he nodded and smiled at his friend.“By Jove, I know just how the chap felt, Robby. Most of the Bible stuff you tell me about doesn't make much sense to me, but this story does. A pearl of great price...that's this ship, to me.”











“You've loved this ship since the first moment you saw her.I've never seen you look at a woman the way you look at her.”超閃的有沒有。

“as though the wood were soft, yielding flesh.”好害羞的描述阿阿~~~(羞)

Pearl of great price,無價的珍珠,小黑的命名靈感由來。 多有愛ˊˇˋ




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